Para telhados

Qualidade, aparência, características técnicas e impacto ambiental são algumas das variáveis positivas que determinam a seleção e preferência para uma solução de telhas de concreto relativamente aos sistemas de telhados mais tradicionais e datados, tais como argila, fibrocimento e chapas de metal…

Automations & Upgrades

Modulo machinery is the right solution for markets requiring medium to high production capacities. The heart of the system is our high performance continuous extruder that is expandable to suit a production from 40 through to 140 t.p.m. Semiautomatic basic configuration can be easily upgraded to fully automatic system to minimize the labour cost component. The production range varies from 12,000 to 50,000 tiles per shift (*).


Modulo machinery is the right solution for markets requiring medium to high production capacities. The heart of the system is our high performance continuous extruder that is expandable to suit a production from 40 through to 140 t.p.m. Semiautomatic basic configuration can be easily upgraded to fully automatic system to minimize the labour cost component. The production range varies from 12,000 to 50,000 tiles per shift (*).